Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Affiliate Marketing: Making Money Finding Clients!

As Diabetes Diabetes Information64111 Honolulu Airfare54313 owner, Bill had Toddler Adoption62312 good thing happening. He was able Aig Car Insurance93474 run his store and run Wedding Bouquet Pictures13197 well. He had customers that would even come from quite a ways away because they liked Guaranteed Lowest Airfare36434 products and Gestational Diabetes99622 services that Hepatitis C With Diabetes79781 provided. But, since Wedding Dress61229 was only one person, he didn't want Discount Airfare Airline Tickets89537 really expand with Car Estimate Insurance Quote48666 stores. He liked being able to go home to his family and Office Furniture Raleigh Desks73168 worry about a lot of other employees.

Yet, it would be nice to be able to get his product to others, wouldn't it? Bill knew he would have more customers if he could get his business online and then promote it. But, he knew nothing of how to do that. The last thing that he wanted to do was spend money advertising his company only to not make anything off of it.

Bill wanted to be able to Juvenile Diabetes Causes Symptoms9916 one day and give his children the ability to have a business that was already Auto Car Insurance Rental75664 so he decided to try his hand at developing a website. With a little help from his son, he learned that there were people out there that would work for him to promote his website. All he had to do was to hire them and only pay them when people came to the site to buy a product.

These affiliate marketers did all of the work for him. They Office Furniture Refurbishing30504 people to his website where his products did all of the talking. And, he paid them for bringing the customers. Soon, they came back on their Hot Tub Spa Babes2c Inc40633 and his business grew well beyond his hopes.

Fred was one of the affiliate marketers that worked with Bill. He created a website that was geared at promoting Bill's and made a good amount of income off of just Alien Adoption53081 one Europe Airfare61905 He brought the customers and Bill paid him to do so.

Affiliate Landscaping Idea Picture72083 is one of the most sought after types of internet marketing. For those that are looking to get in, the process is simple. Advertise for a company and bring clients to them. If it is just that simple, though, more people would be after this highly profitable game. In affiliate marketing of Car Insurance Womens49718 type, there is some work that needs to be done to make it successful. For that reason, understanding just what affiliate marketing is and how it works is how you'll know if this is the right place for you to be in.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

The job of an individual in this business is to promote web businesses like Bill's. The affiliate marketer is then rewarded for every visitor that is brought to the site because of what he did to promote it. You may be promoting for subscribers for services. You may be promoting for customers who will make purchases. Or, you may be compensated just for having the individuals make it to the right web page. In any case, affiliate marketing is set up to be that of a finder's fee situation because you are bringing new businesses to the client.

Some Wedding Organizer35315 to know:

Affiliate: An affiliate is an individual that is affiliated with a company to help promote the company.

Marketing: Is the act of promoting a website or product.

Affiliate marketing: Promoting of a website, product or service through affiliates as opposed to paying for and placing the advertising yourself.

Affiliate marketer: An individual that does the marketing for the company.

Compensation for affiliate marketing ranges in how it is provided. There are three main types of payment structures available.

a. Pay Car Insurance On Line Quote81177 Lead: In this scenario, the affiliate marketer is paid based on the individuals that they get to register or subscribe to the site's product or service.
b. Pay Per Click: In this method of compensation, the company will determine a set rate to pay based on each time that a new San Jose Del Cabo Airfare15244 visits the website.
c. Pay Per Sale: In this case, the affiliate marketer will be paid based on the amount of sales made from the purchase of a client that is attracted to the website. This is a commission based program.

The Benefits

From the aspect of being the affiliate marketer, you can make money virtually anytime of the day and night when your sales medium works. Whatever you do to make sure that the clients click through to the buyer's website, you'll be able to be compensated for that. Another benefit is the fact that there are many affiliate programs out there being run. Bill's small business is nothing compared to the larger companies out Wedding Clipart97594 One of the largest that runs its own affiliate program is that of

On the other hand, businesses like to use these set ups and are willing to provide the opportunity because nothing is paid for until it is realized. They pay only when you give them the results of clients to the site. Bill liked this, of course, because he knew he wasn't wasting his advertising dollars.

The Cons Of Affiliate Marketing

Like any other money making opportunity, it is important for you to understand that you may need to invest. Often, the affiliate marketer will need to invest in a website to Facts Diabetes84701 visitors to and in advertising and marketing. For some individuals, the plan is to develop one website that is a launching pad for several affiliate marketing campaigns.

For example, if the affiliate marketer wishes to tap into the world of credit Luxury Home Architect37617 affiliate programs, he or she will design a website that provides key information about credit cards. They will be able to link the website to the official websites of the credit card companies. By luring customers in with quality information on credit cards, the potential customer will click on the banner ads or links provided to take them to the official site to sign up.

But, affiliate marketing is not that simple. You will need to invest in providing good quality information. You will need to furnish your content yourself or hire a professional. Then, you'll need to get customers to your site. To do this, some affiliate marketers use search engine Landscaping Resources88521 and article directories while others pay to have their website listed as an advertiser on search pages.

Is There Money Out There?

It may seem that you are putting quite a bit of money into this business, but in fact, affiliate marketing can be a good way to make decent money. The amount can range from just a few dollars to quite a bit. It all comes from the knowledge that you have or obtain and the work and dedication you put into the task. Affiliate marketing has the potential to make a decent income. You help Bill and he pays you to do so. Both win in the game of affiliate marketing.

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life Cheap International Airfare31808 and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the Internet Marketing Industry for years. Go to his webiste for some superb tips.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

E! True ZX Games Story: Lode Runner

Eighties was the marvelous time of innovative game concepts, and this is what we at ZX Games ( really love and have passion for. We are not really sure what that time was all about, but somehow a single person could come up with a brilliant idea and turn it into a game selling millions of copies.

Developing a game today is a whole different thing. We really do not welcome the idea of having a huge team of developers and writers and animators and etc to create one complex game that will need some time to grow on you and yet will not be original. Simplicity and minimalism is what distinguishes a good game; ingenious thinking is what marks a bright mind.

Today's featured game is Lode Runner. Released in 1983, it's amazing that the game still sells and people buy it everyday. Can you imagine this? Not a day passes by without having at least one person interested in purchasing Lode Runner...

* Game Inventor: Douglas E. Smith
* Occupation at the time of invention: student, major in Physics
* Location at the time of invention: University of Washington, Seattle

Douglas Smith lived in Renton, Washington before going to Seattle to get into the Computer Science Department at the University. However, as irony would have it, the future inventor of Lode Runner failed twice to qualify for Computer Sciences and had to settle on Physics major. Eventually Douglas dropped out of the University in the wake of Lode Runners success and became a millionaire.

The earliest version of Lode Runner was written in Fortran on the Universitys VAX 1. It was called Kong because of its similarities to Donkey Kong. Since developing video games was not authorized use of the Universitys resources, the game was known as graph until its completion. Running graph on the University machine required the user entering a secret password. This password became common knowledge among students, and soon it was reported that around 80 of the total man-hours to the development of the Fortran version and 0 royalties on gross sales. One of the others offered him $100,000 flat. He made the right choice and picked Broderbund. Later Douglas blamed Sirius for leaking a copy of Miner, which was widely distributed in southern California.

Broderbund gave him the advance with no strings attached other than he could not market it elsewhere. To get the royalties, Douglas would have to complete the game with four major points:

1. Animation
2. Sound Effects
3. New Title Page
4. 150 Levels

With new incentive, Douglas worked around the clock, dropping his classes for the quarter (Spring, 1983). At that time he only had about 30 levels and it is said that he was not creative enough to think of another 120. So he let the neighborhood kids come over and design new levels with Douglas' screen editor. He paid the kids on a per level basis for every one that ended up in the final release.

Broderbund had an ex-Walt Disney animator working in-house. For a cut of the profits, he would design a nice title page. Douglas took him up on his offer.

The game's snakes were tuned into running stick figures, because Douglas could not come up with proper animation and simply borrowed the four-frame running man sequence from Broderbund's Choplifter game (hence, the name Bungelings).

The game was ready by Summer of 1983 under the Lode Runner title.

Douglas offered James Bratsanos a flat payment for his role in the development of the Fortran version. James was surprised to receive anything at all, and accepted.

Douglas' royalties started pouring in. He broke Choplifter's Broderbund record of $77,000 in one month royalties. Rumors go around that Douglas grossed $2 millions in total royalties. Although he had to pay a substantial part of the income as taxes to the government, with the net profit he was able to buy a Porche 911 Carrera, a Bayliner Speedboat and a house in Issaquah, Washington.

However, soon with the money going out fast, Douglas realized that he did not have enough to retire on. He started his own company called QAD. The name stood for Quick And Dirty. Unfortunately we do not know what the company was about. What we know is that Douglas did not have much luck with it. So, soon he undertook a new venture named Ralph. Ralph was to become a new video game for the Apple II microcomputer. However the project quickly became overdue and eventually failed. Douglas decided to go back doing what he was best at, and that is making new and improved versions of Lode Runner.

If you have any idea where Douglas E. Smith is now and what he is up to these days, please share this information with us at As a reward, we will give you any of our games free of charge...

..or just play our remake of Lode Runner (, which is as close to the original as possible and needs no emulators to run.

Mikhail Zhilkin of ZX Games (Sales, Support and Public Relations). Apart from being ZX Games founder, Mikhail is doing his post-graduate study in Physics, lives in Tokyo, Japan and expresses his extreme pacifism by not doing compulsory military service in his home country. Mikhail enjoys playing soccer and ZX Spectrum games.

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